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Basement Waterproofing & Foundation Repair in Lima, OH

Your home’s basement, foundation, crawl space, and concrete can suffer at the hands of Lima’s wet, humid weather and unstable soil. Ohio Basement Authority has the knowledge and solutions to repair your home and protect it from these forces.

Columbus Local Office

Ohio Basement Authority

2421 McGaw Rd.
Obetz, OH 43207
(614) 300-3911

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 7 am – 11 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 11 pm
Sunday: 10 am – 11 pm

Ohio Basement Authority and The Basement Guys have now merged.

Award-Winning Solutions in Lima

Ohio Basement Authority, a Groundworks Company, specializes in helping homeowners with their foundation repair, basement waterproofing, basement finishing, crawl space encapsulation and repair, and concrete lifting needs. Our top priority is providing high-quality home repair solutions and personalized service throughout Central and Southern Ohio. With fully trained technicians, industry-leading products, and nationally backed warranties, Ohio Basement Authority, a Groundworks company, has provided homeowners in Ohio, with the latest basement waterproofing and foundation repair solutions for two decades. Let us create a drier, healthier basement that protects your family and home’s foundation! We also specialize in basement finishing, crawl space encapsulation and concrete lifting. Get in touch now for a no-cost inspection and estimate. Ohio Basement Authority is here to restore your foundation or basement.

The Ohio Basement Authority Process

Schedule Free Inspection

One of our contact center representatives will reach out to you to determine your problem and set the best time for one of our certified field inspectors to visit your home.

Consult with Our Certified Inspector

Our certified field inspector will visit your home to observe the problems in your home and inspect other areas of your home that may have been impacted.

Installation of Customized Solutions

Our professional production crew installs patented, American-made solutions in each home with care and strives to leave the area better than we found it.

Schedule Inspection

Why Homeowners Choose Ohio Basement Authority

Ohio Basement Authority, a Groundworks Company, has been helping homeowners throughout central and southern Ohio, as well as northern Kentucky, repair and protect their homes from foundation and water damage since 2009. We know how important your home is to you and your family, and it is important to us too. That is why we only install the best permanent basement waterproofing, foundation repair, crawl space repair and encapsulation, and concrete lifting and leveling solutions. 

OBA is proud to have an established reputation for high-quality work and personalized service. Thousands of homeowners trust our outstanding services and solutions, and we’ve got many positive reviews and awards like the BBB Torch Award for Ethics to prove it. Let us help you improve the health and safety of your home by contacting us today to book your free inspection and repair estimate. 

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Our Services for You

A construction worker measuring a basement wall with a level tool, wearing a mask and cap.

Basement Waterproofing in Lima

Basements are versatile spaces, but they can also be hazardous. These below-ground areas are naturally cool and damp, and they can fall victim to water damage. Leaks can happen when Lima’s poorly drained silt loam and silty clay soils are overwhelmed with water from 38 inches of annual rainfall and 20 inches of annual snowfall. This soil expands and pushes against the walls, leading to cracks and leaks. Your home also may not have adequate foundation drainage or properly functioning sump pumps to handle all this water. Leaks are usually followed by musty smells, mold growth, efflorescence, flooding, and other damage. Nip these problems in the bud with Ohio Basement Authority’s quality interior drainage, sump pumps, dehumidifiers, wall vapor barriers, and other permanent basement waterproofing solutions. 

crew digging foundation

Foundation Repair in Lima

Your home’s foundation has the big responsibility of supporting your entire house. It needs to be structurally sound, but it can easily succumb to damage caused by Lima’s soil and weather conditions. Silt loam soils dominate the area, and they are prone to washing away with heavy rains, particularly during spring and summer months. When the soil cannot support the foundation, the latter will sink and settle into the ground. This and other movement leads to uneven floors, wall cracks, bowing walls, and other visible damage. Ohio Basement Authority can help put your foundation and home back on solid ground with foundation piers, crawl space supports, wall anchors, and carbon fiber wall reinforcement

Crew installing crawl space encapsulation

Crawl Space Encapsulation & Repair in Lima

Unlike a basement, a crawl space is a very small area that lifts your house off the ground. It is also convenient for storing plumbing, electrical wiring, and ductwork, but it is not without its faults. Most crawl spaces have open vents that pests can crawl through, humid summer air and cold winter air can pass through, and Lima’s year-round precipitation (38 inches of rain and 20 inches of snow) can leak through. Elevated humidity, mold, wood rot, infestations, flooding, sagging floors, high energy bills, and other problems result from this perfect storm brewing under your house. With permanent crawl space repair and encapsulation from Ohio Basement Authority, you can lock out these problems and create a safer and healthier living environment. We’ll install solutions such as crawl space supports, drainage, sump pumps, dehumidifiers, vapor barriers, and vent covers. 

polyurethane injection

Concrete Lifting & Leveling in Lima

Along with your foundation, concrete is used elsewhere on your property, including the sidewalk, driveway, patio, and outdoor steps. This material is durable, but exterior concrete can be damaged because of its exposure to the elements. Lima’s 38 inches of yearly rain and 20 inches of annual snowfall thoroughly soak the area’s poorly drained silt loam and silty clay soils that are susceptible to washout. Without support from the soil, the concrete slabs crack, sink, are no longer even, and present tripping hazards. Ohio Basement Authority’s unique, versatile concrete lifting and leveling polyurethane injections are the most reliable way to repair uneven concrete. This non-toxic, non-invasive, quick curing foam is used to restore the safety and appearance of various areas like driveways, sidewalks, pool decks, and more. 

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About Waterproofing, Crawl Spaces & Foundation Repair in Lima, OH

Your foundation will endure a lot of moisture issues over the years. Floods, melted snow, and even humidity can all negatively affect your home in a variety of ways. Of course, the soil surrounding your foundation will also take on far too much water than it can realistically hold because of this. Over time, all that added water weight can start to push up against your foundation and cause it to shift out of its original placement or crack altogether. 

This phenomenon is called hydrostatic pressure, and it is unfortunately quite a common cause of foundation damage. Hydrostatic pressure can also take another form as well. Water can also become trapped within your concrete foundation’s pores. This itself is not much of a problem. When winter comes and that water freezes over, however, the expanding ice can then crack the foundation from within. 

A common construction phenomenon known as the clay bowl effect can also negatively impact your foundation. When contractors first go about building a new home, they will dig a large hole where they plan to lay down the foundation and either a basement or crawl space. After these components are installed, there will be some space left around it that the contractors will backfill with the soil they dug up. This creates a much looser bowl of sorts surrounding the foundation. Of course, Cincinnati’s silt soil is already quite loose, which only makes this soil all the more prone to washing out during a storm. As a result, your foundation might settle into the remaining soil and even crack into pieces. A shifted or settled foundation can start to impact other structures in your home, so you must call an expert to repair it as soon as you can.

When you invest in regular crawl space inspections, you can get ahead of the worst of the damage that wood rot can do to your home. These inspections are typically quick and non-invasive. By the time area professionals finish looking over your space every year, you’ll have a better idea of what kind of condition your home is in and what means you need to invest in to protect it.   

The Cursory Inspection   

To kick a crawl space inspection off, the professionals serving Cincinnati and Columbus, OH, need to look over the entrance to your space. To be up to code, your entry point needs to be two feet wide and 18 inches tall. If an inspector cannot safely enter your crawl space, you will fail your inspection and need to have your entrance expanded or otherwise remodeled with modern safety requirements in mind.   

As long as a professional can get into your crawl space without putting themselves in danger, they’ll move on to the superficial inspection. A superficial inspection lets professionals identify anything obviously wrong with your space, including wood rot, mold clusters, vapor barrier damage, standing water, and so on. If an inspector is able to identify any of these things in your crawl space, professionals will call off the rest of your inspection to start discussing your potential repairs.   

In-Depth Crawl Space Assessments   

You’re not out of the woods if you pass your initial and superficial inspections. Professional contractors serving Cincinnati and Columbus, OH, will also conduct full assessments of your crawl space if they believe your space may benefit from additional protections.   

Crawl space inspectors, at this point, will take a closer look at the nooks and crannies of your crawl space. They’ll want to identify any early signs of rot or damage before those symptoms start to spread. Alternatively, if it doesn’t appear that your crawl space is suffering from even mild damage, they’ll want to identify any weak points that may need protection from external forces. This stage of your crawl space inspection is effectively preventive and designed to ensure your space remains secure in the months and years to come.   

Efflorescence can be tricky to spot at first glance. However, there are a few ways you can identify if your basement is dealing with efflorescence or something else entirely.  

  • What Materials Make Up the Interior of Your Basement?  

Because efflorescence is made up of water and water-soluble salts, it might help to know what kinds of salts in building materials can be affected. Calcium sulfate (found in bricks), sodium sulfate (found in cement-brick mixtures), sodium carbonate (found in mortar), and potassium carbonate (also found in mortar) are all salts found in building materials commonly used in basement construction.  

Keep in mind that different materials in combination with these water-soluble salts may display different discolorations and effects, so you should be able to identify signs of efflorescence along different surfaces.  

  • How Fast Can Efflorescence Spread?  

Efflorescence can spread fairly fast down your basement walls and along your floor. The name “efflorescence” does mean “to flower out” in French, so you can imagine how quickly this substance can spread around your basement once it settles inside.  

According to the Masonry Institute of America, efflorescence can develop as quickly as one month after the initial construction of the building to up to one year after completion. It is a truly frustrating substance that builders have tried their best to prevent and avoid at all costs. If your efflorescence problem has cropped up long after your home has been constructed, however, then this is likely due to a hidden leak or flood dredging up the salts embedded within the very walls and floor of your basement.

All cracks can present a threat to your concrete. Hairline cracks generally do not pose much of a threat, but cracks that measure more than ¼” wide must be repaired as soon as possible. Avoid DIY repairs and invest in professional solutions from Ohio Basement Authority. Our PolyRenewal™ system lifts and stabilizes concrete and can help close cracks. Contact us for a free inspection and estimate.

Ohio Basement Authority Service area

Our Locations

Akron Office

429 Portage Blvd
Kent, OH 44240

Cincinnati Office

1270 Hillsmith Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45215

Cleveland Office

7950 Bavaria Rd.
Twinsburg, OH 44087

Columbus Office

2421 McGaw Rd.
Obetz, OH 43207

Dayton Office

70 Birch Alley, Suite 240
Beavercreek, OH, 45440

Dublin Office

5650 Blazer Memorial Pkwy, #124
Dublin, OH 43017